Worldwide Coaching Group
2023 Annual Conference
Aria Hotel - Las Vegas
February 7th - 8th, 2023
We are excited to spend time with our Worldwide Coaches together!! Join us for this exciting time of learning, growth, networking, and fun at the beautiful Aria Resort in Las Vegas.
February 7th - Tuesday
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Reception with heavy hors d'oeuvres
Company updates, new offerings, & vision
Spouse/Partner welcome at this event!
February 8th - Wednesday
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Workshops & Training (lunch provided)
6:30 pm - Optional, post-conference event for anyone who wants to stay & play!
Early bird - Register by Jan. 10th, 2023
and get $100 discount!
(includes the reception on Tuesday, workshop & materials on Wednesday with lunch)
Alumni Members: $495
click here for $100 discount ($395)
Mastery Members: $295
click here for $100 discount ($195)