Catalyft® Success System is a Coaching curriculum that provides our Certified Business Coaches with a series of offerings for building extraordinary success in business AND in life.
WCG Insights - DISC Assessments: When a person uses the DISC model, they can identify their own blend of styles, recognize and adapt to the styles of others, and develop a better communication process that allows them to interact effectively with others to build mutually beneficial relationships.
WCG Funding: We work with a highly experienced team of professionals that provide a wide range of funding options to meet the needs of your clients.
There are 33.2 Million Small Business Owners & Solopreneurs (0-20 employees)
...and we are dedicated to the Success & Well-being of these Business Owners
Forbes Advisor, Small Business Statistics of 2023
What do these 33.2 million Small Business Owners in the U.S. have in common?
What challenges do these Small Business Owners face?
What are these Small Business Owners looking for?
Gaining insights & expanding possibilities
Peer Advisory Boards meet monthly to provide participants with powerful new insights, counsel and support that translates into improved outcomes in business and life.
Implementing the process
The Pinnacle Success System™ is a proprietary four step process that provides entrepreneurs with a proven, sustainable and iterative model to de-commoditize their businesses, earn more money, work less, and enjoy the journey.
Discovering new opportunities
& overcoming limiting beliefs
Success Coaching provides entrepreneurs with an inside ➔ out approach to gain
new insights and awareness that leads to new levels of success and breakthrough results.
Developing a plan & strategy for what's next
Strategy Intensives™ are offered as 1-day or 2-day sessions devoted to working "on" your business, not just "in" your business.
The DISC Profile is a simple, practical, and easy-to-remember model that focuses on individual patterns of observable behavior and emotions.
It measures the intensity of characteristics using scales of directness, openness, pace, and priority to create a unique blend of four behavioral styles:
Workshops allow you to go deeper:
Professional Advocate
Integrity Leadership
DISC - Indentity
DISC - Interraction
DISC - Synergy